Consumers at the Heart of Markets

Posted by Laura Sandys on 29th April at 8:27pm

Illustrative photo It is important that the Conservative Party has a clear, coherent consumer policy that informs departmental thinking, and places consumers centre stage. We must regain our ambition for delivering competition, improved customer service and innovation across our economy that guided our policies around privatisation and we can achieve this through reviving our belief in consumers as the true arbiters of markets. We have always believed that capitalism is there to serve consumers and is at its best when driven by informed, powerful consumers, who demand market innovation and greater efficiency. What is good for consumers and competition is ultimately good for the best businesses and delivers sustainable growth.

Download the full Consumers at the Heart of Markets Paper (876Kb)

Note: The views expressed in this post are those of the author, not of the 2020 Conservatives group as a collective, the Conservative Party or the Government.

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